I suggested he give it another try making sure the sub board was well connected. Ive just heard from the guy - he went back and plugged it all in an LO! it all worked We've agreed to cancel the ...
Interesting thankyou Victor
The reason i came to that idea was because i have been looking at a mobo on ebay and the seller described first a freezing problem that happened when he moved it. He seems ...
Have you thought of reflowing the graphics chip. you can find some info here: http://forum.thinkpads.com/viewtopic.php?t=57021. i've done it myself on two t40 boards sucessfully. the symtoms wer ...
Hi Victor
Thanks for that. I have located the chip on my t42 underneath the mouse pad. I was a little bit daunted by the fact that it is sooo small!
I have purchased 2 diferent soldering irons, one ...
I've been reading your posts with great interest. I am about to send off for the package for the t43. In your instructions you say that the t43 does not need to be dismantled. How is the chip conn ...